[http://www.sequenceontology.org/gff3.shtml GFF3] is a tab-delimited, ontology-aware format of genomic features. It should be beneficial to represent such genomic features in RDF so that we can exchange data and make queries with SW technologies. '''Participants''' * Erick Antezana * Alberto Labarga * Yu Lin * Hideya KAWAJI * Venkata Satagopam * Jerven Bolleman * ... '''Scope''' '''Mapping (proposal)''' Column 1: "seqid" Column 2: "source" Column 3: "type" Column 4: "start" Column 5: "end" Column 6: "score" Column 7: "strand" Column 8: "phase" Column 9: "attributes" '''Tools''' * [http://bioperl.org/pipermail/bioperl-l/2009-June/030369.html GFF to OWL] (Source code not available yet?) '''Discussion''' * application to general genomic features (BED, etc)? * Genomic coordinate system (0-based / 1-based) * Dasty? '''Milestones'''