[http://www.sequenceontology.org/gff3.shtml GFF3] is a tab-delimited, ontology-aware format of genomic features. It should be beneficial to represent such genomic features in RDF so that we can exchange data and make queries with SW technologies. '''Participants''' * Erick Antezana * Alberto Labarga * Yu Lin * Hideya KAWAJI * Venkata Satagopam * Jerven Bolleman * ... '''Scope''' ... '''Mapping GFF2RDF (proposal)''' The following table is in a very inmature state... || '''GFF Element''' || '''RDF (XML)''' || '''Description''' || || Column 1: "seqid" || || ? || || Column 2: "source" || 1000 || ? || || Column 3: "type" || | || This is constrained to be either: (a) a term from the "lite" sequence ontology, SOFA; or (b) a SOFA accession number. It must map to a rdfs:subclassof (lin's proposal)|| || Column 4: "start" || 1000 || ? || || Column 5: "end" || 9000 || ? || || Column 6: "score" || 5.8e-42 || ? || || Column 7: "strand" || + || ? || || Column 8: "phase" || . || ? || || Column 9: "attributes" || ... || ? || '''Attribute Mapping (proposal) NEEDED?[[BR]]''' A list of feature attributes in the format tag=value. Multiple tag=value pairs are separated by semicolons. URL escaping rules are used for tags or values containing the following characters: ",=;". Spaces are allowed in this field, but tabs must be replaced with the ? URL escape. || '''Attribute tags''' || '''RDF (XML)''' || '''Description''' || || Column 1: "ID" || || || || Column 2: "Name" || || || || Column 3: "Alias" || || || || Column 4: "Parent" || || || || Column 5: "Target" || || || || Column 6: "Gap" || || || || Column 7: "Derives_from" || || || || Column 8: "Note" || || || || Column 9: "Dbxref" || || || || Column 10: "Ontology_term" || || || '''Tools''' * [http://github.com/cmungall/bioperl-owl Chris Mungall's code] * Tool for BioPython * Tool for BioRuby * Tool for Perl '''Discussion''' * application to general genomic features (BED, etc)? * Genomic coordinate system (0-based / 1-based) * Dasty? * Attributes is more important for describing an object. '''Expected milestones''' * Mapping GGF2RDF (by Q1?) * Tools (in PERL, Python and Ruby) implementing such translation * Sample RDF data into a triple store (e.g. OpenVirtuoso) * Sample SPARQL queries * Divulgation (poster? or article?)