Version 14 (modified by ktym, 15 years ago)


Open Bio* Semantic Web tools


(Please add your name!)

  • Toshiaki Katayama
  • Erick Antezana
  • Shuichi Kawashima

RDF libraries in each language

(Please add other languages as well!)

Name of the available libraries:


  • RDF reader (in)
  • RDF generator (out)
language in out
Ruby ? ?
Python o ?
Perl o ?

Tools to manipulate RDF data

  • RDF grep
  • RDF diff
  • RDF sort
  • RDF uniq
  • RDF wc (triple count)
  • RDF cat (combine)
    • (most of) these commands will output RDF graph :)
    • "sort" before "diff" is better.
    • it would be great if "diff" can have an option to ignore "empty node" which can shift internal IDs even if the graphs are almost same.

RDF converters

Interface for SPARQL endpoint

DBI like interface to Query and obtain Result by SPARQL.

  • automatically map to the relevant language object
  • we can use SPARQL endpoint as a data source for  Galaxy, for example.
  • sometimes, results can be huge

Language availability

language generic  4store
Ruby o o
Python o o
Perl ? x
Java o o
R ? ?

Try "short read archive (metadata) SPARQL endpoint" which will be developed by the NextGenSeq? open space discussion group.

Galaxy integration

  • Plugin development
  • Documentation
