BioHackathon 2010 Poster Session
Poster presentation will be held after the symposium on the first day.
- Date: 8 February, 2010
- Time: 15:00-16:30
- Place: 11F Hall at CBRC, AIST, Odaiba, Tokyo
This session will be doubled with self-introduction and is intended to start the succeeding open space discussion smoothly.
Therefore, all invited participants are requested to bring a few printed slides describing recent works and tentative goals in the BioHackathon 2010.
Domestic participants are also encouraged to present yours, so that mutual understandings will be easily developed.
List of slides
- Toshiaki Katayama (pdf)
- Shuichi Kawashima (pdf)
- Pierre Lindenbaum (slideshare)
- Brad Chapman (slideshare)
- Kazuharu Arakawa (slideshare)
- Alberto Labarga (slideshare)
Title slide (1st sheet)
Organizers will prepare your first slide including your name and affiliation etc. so please send your information and a photo to biohack3-rgst (at) by 4th Feb.
-- Name: -- Affiliation: -- Country: (where you live) -- Projects: (URLs are not mandatory) -- E-mail: -- Web site: (if any) -- Twitter: (if any) -- LinkedIn public profile: (required)
-- Name: Toshiaki Katayama -- Affiliation: Laboratory of Genome Database, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo -- Country: (where you live) Japan -- Projects: (URLs are not mandatory) * KEGG API ( * BioRuby ( * TogoDB ( * TogoWS ( -- E-mail: ktym (at) -- Web site: (if any) -- Twitter: (if any) @kumamushi -- LinkedIn public profile: (required)
Main contents (2nd to 4th sheets)
Please describe your work and/or your targets during the BioHackathon 2010 within up to three slides.
Here we attach some examples at the bottom of this page, but there are no required format, so it is OK to select some slides from your recent presentations etc.
Be sure to print and bring your printed slides! (But, don't worry, if you can't prepare it beforehand, you will be able to use a printer on site)
(3.2 MB) - added by ktym 15 years ago.
Example poster by Toshiaki Katayama
(1.9 MB) - added by ktym 15 years ago.
Example poster by Shuichi Kawashima