Version 16 (modified by akinjo, 14 years ago)


What is SPARQL

An endpoint to play with

Facet browser

select ?s2 as ?c1 count (*) as ?c2
where {
?s1 ?s1textp ?o1 .
?o1 bif:contains '"hexokinase"' .
?s1 a <> .
?s1 a <> .
?s1 <> ?s2 .
} group by ?s2 order by desc 2 limit 20 offset 0

In a triple store, I have the label of the predicate.

Sample queries

select *
where {?s ?p ?o}
limit 100
select ?o count(*)
where {?s a ?o}
select ?t ?p count(*)
 where {
?s ?p ?o .
?s rdf:type ?t .
?o bif:contains "hexokinase" .
  • bif:contains (full-text search) is not standard.
  • count(*) is not standard.
select ?s ?p ?o
 where {
?s ?p ?o .
?s rdf:type ?t .
?o bif:contains "hexokinase" .