== Use case == We performed this query to Pubmed and retrieved 200 pmids. {{{ }}} The abstracts were annotated using Whatizit, Reflect and Medie. and the results converted to RDF using the following convention: The results are available as RDF here: Whatizit.RDF Reflect.RDf and Medie.RDF. Pubmed information in RDF format was retrieved for all abstracts using TogoWS, together with Uniprot RDF for the annotated proteins. == Some relevant links == * [http://bioportal.bioontology.org/] * [http://sourceforge.net/projects/texai/files/ Texai project download page] Useful RDF for expressing English (including lexicon, grammars) * [SerializationPerlModules About serialization (RDF/XML)] {{{ javascript:(function(){var%20d=document;var%20s=d.createElement('script');s.src='http://docman.dbcls.jp/js/annot.js';d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);})() }}}