52 | | * formulation of SPARQL queries -> RDFscape |
53 | | * can be GUI. |
| 54 | * The query in Prolog would be something like: |
| 55 | |
| 56 | probableInteractors(HumanGene1, HumanGene2) :- hasHomolog(HumanGene1, YeastGene1), hasInteractorFromDB(YeastGene1, YeastGene2), hasHomolog(YeastGene2, HumanGene2), hasHomolog(HumanGene2, OtherModelOrganismGene2), hasProteinDomain(HumanGene1, TargetDomain), hasProteinDomain(OtherModelOrganismGene1, TargetDomain), hasInteractorFromDB(OtherModelOrganismGene1, OtherModelOrganismGene2)). |
| 57 | |
| 58 | probableInteractors(ing1, CandidateInteractor). |
| 59 | |
| 60 | CandidateInteractor = p38MAPK ? ; |
| 61 | CandidateInteractor = MEKK4 ? ; |
| 62 | |
| 63 | * Now we just need the predicates to exists in various SPARQL endpoints to give use the RDF Facts with predicates corresponding to hasHomolog, hasInteractorFromDB, and hasProteinDomain Plus decide which way to express queries in SPARQL than span multiple services. :-) |
| 64 | |
| 65 | |