Changes between Version 60 and Version 61 of WikiStart

2009/12/18 11:31:52 (15 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v60 v61  
    1313== Objectives == 
    15 DBCLS is working on the integration of biological resources. To achieve this goal, we have been organizing !BioHackathons to survey existing efforts and to develop integrated environments with open source software and public services. Themes of the hackathons evolved year by year and we are continuously providing opportunities to gather cutting edge developers and researchers for adopting state of the art technologies to emerging demands in life science.  
     15DBCLS is working on the integration of biological resources. To achieve this goal, we have been organizing !BioHackathons since 2008 to survey existing efforts and develop integrated environments with open source software and public services. Themes of the hackathons evolved year by year, and we are continuously providing cutting edge developers and researchers with opportunities to adapt state of the art technologies to emerging demands in life sciences.  
    1717 * 2008 : Towards interoperable web services in life science with Open Bio* libraries 
    1919 * 2010 : Interpretation of biological knowledge with Semantic Web technologies 
    21 Facing to unprecedented amount and variety of biomedical data, it is required to consolidate related information and facilitating efficient interpretation of the accumulated biological knowledge. Therefore, we selected Semantic Web as a main theme for this year. Topics may include: 
     21Facing to unprecedented amount and variety of biomedical data, it is required to consolidate related information and facilitate efficient interpretation of the accumulated biological knowledge. Therefore, we selected Semantic Web as its main theme this year. Topics may include but not limited to: 
    2323 * [wiki:Queries] 
    2424   * Targeted queries to be resolved by Semantic Web technologies. 
    2525 * [wiki:Datasets] 
    26    * Lists currently available and/or still missing datasets (as Linked Data / RDF) to resolve the above queries. 
     26   * List currently available and/or still missing datasets (as Linked Data / RDF) to resolve the above queries. 
    2727 * [wiki:Stores] 
    2828   * Develop our own or survey existing extensible storage systems for RDF triples and functional query interfaces. 
    3434== About the Hackathon ==  
    36 The hackathon (hacking + marathon) basically is a camp where invited participants discuss about current issues and implement software to solve the problems on site collaboratively. This kind of meeting is very effective for the intensive development of projects, because face-to-face meeting of developers, who are usually spread around the world, accelerates communication and collaboration to exchange their ideas.  
     36The hackathon (hacking + marathon) basically is a camp where invited participants discuss current issues and implement software to solve them on site collaboratively. This kind of meeting is very effective for the intensive development of projects, because face-to-face meeting of the developers, who are usually scattered around the world, accelerates their communication and collaboration.  
    38 !BioHackathon 2010 is sponsored by the Database Center for Life Science ([ DBCLS]) and the Computational Biology Research Center ([ CBRC]). DBCLS is a national center responsible for sustainable life science databases in Japan and CBRC is a national research organization for bioinformatics. 
     38!BioHackathon 2010 is sponsored by Database Center for Life Science ([ DBCLS]) and Computational Biology Research Center ([ CBRC]). DBCLS is a national center responsible for sustainable life science databases in Japan and CBRC is a national research organization for bioinformatics. 
    4040 * DBCLS !BioHackathon 2010