Version 13 (modified by atsuko, 15 years ago)


BioHackathon 2010 schedule

BioHackathon 2010 will take place during 2010/2/8-12 in Tokyo, Japan.

Out line

  • -2/7 Pre-hackathon at DBCLS, Asano campus, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
  • 2/8 Symposium and reception at CBRC, AIST-Waterfront 11F Hall, Odaiba, Tokyo
  • 2/9-12 Hackathon at DBCLS, Asano campus, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
  • 2/13-2/16 Post-hackathon at DBCLS, Asano campus, University of Tokyo, Tokyo

Late January to 2/7 (Sun)

We plan to have a pre-hackathon event to brush up on the topics and materials of the hackathon with attendees who are able to come ahead.

Pre-Hackahton event

2/8 (Mon)

Symposium 10:00-18:00

Reception 19:00-21:00

2/9 - 2/11 9:00-18:00

Hack, hack, hack

2/12 9:00-18:00

Hack, hack, hack 9:00-16:00

SummarySession 16:00-18:00

Farewell party 18:00-

2/13 (Sat) - 2/16 (Tue)

We plan to have a post-hackathon event for finishing to write meeting reports with attendees who are able to stay.

Post-Hackathon event