Version 79 (modified by ktym, 15 years ago) |
DBCLS BioHackathon 2010
The 3rd DBCLS BioHackathon for interpreting biological knowledge with Semantic Web technologies will be held during 2010/2/ 8-12 in Japan.
DBCLS is working on the integration of biological resources. To achieve this goal, we have been organizing BioHackathons since 2008 to survey existing efforts and develop integrated environments with open source software and public services. Themes of the hackathons evolved year by year, and we are continuously providing cutting edge developers with opportunities to gather for utilizing state of the art technologies to emerging demands in life sciences.
- 2008 : Towards interoperable web services in life science with Open Bio* libraries
- 2009 : Integration of web services in bioinformatics applications
- 2010 : Interpretation of biological knowledge with the Semantic Web technologies
Facing to unprecedented amount and variety of biomedical data, it is required to consolidate related information and facilitate efficient interpretation of the accumulated biological knowledge. Therefore, we selected the Semantic Web as its main theme this year. Topics may include but not limited to:
- Queries
- Targeted queries to be resolved by the Semantic Web technologies.
- Datasets
- List currently available and/or still missing datasets (as Linked Data / RDF) to resolve the above queries.
- Stores
- Develop our own or survey existing extensible storage systems for RDF triples and functional query interfaces.
- Tools
- Develop common APIs among Open Bio* projects for RDF stores and SPARQL endpoints.
- Develop a set of programs including loaders and converters for RDF data.
- Develop supporting text mining systems and end-user applications.
About the Hackathon
The hackathon (hacking + marathon) basically is a camp where invited participants discuss current issues and implement software to solve them on site collaboratively. This kind of meeting is very effective for the intensive development of projects, because face-to-face meeting of the developers, who are usually scattered around the world, accelerates their communication and collaboration.
BioHackathon 2010 is sponsored by Database Center for Life Science ( DBCLS) and Computational Biology Research Center ( CBRC). DBCLS is a national center responsible for sustainable life science databases in Japan and CBRC is a national research organization for bioinformatics.
- DBCLS BioHackathon 2010
- DBCLS BioHackathon 2009
- DBCLS BioHackathon 2008
Domestic announcements
BioHackathon 2010 は日本国内からの参加者を募集中です。 予算の都合により今年度の国内参加者は招待制ではありませんが、今回の開催趣旨に賛同頂ける研究者・開発者の方々の積極的なご参加をお願い致します。 また、世界トップレベルの開発者と最先端の課題についてディスカッションできる絶好の機会ですので、将来を担う若手研究者・学生の参加枠も設ける予定です。
2010/2/8 @ CBRC (Odaiba, Tokyo)
- for the 1st day (Symposium and reception)
2010/2/9-12 @ DBCLS (Nezu, Tokyo)
- rest of the days (hack, hack, hack)
Annotated Google Maps and KML file for Google Earth are available:
- Hotel Forest Hongo
- Mukogaoka faculty house in the University of Tokyo campus
- Sanjokaikan faculty house in the University of Tokyo cumpus (for the group from Korea)
- Arriving to Tokyo Narita International Airport
- Narita airport station -> Keisei Ueno station (75 min, 1000 JPY by Keisei line; 60 min, 1920 JPY by Keisei Skyliner)
- Take a taxi from Ueno station to your hotel (or to DBCLS)
- Arriving to Tokyo Haneda Airport from Korea
- Haneda airport station -> Hamamatsucho station (20 min, 470 JPY by Tokyo monorail line)
- Hamamatsucho station -> Ueno station (10 min, 160 JPY by JR line)
- Take a taxi to the Sanjokaikan faculty house in University of Tokyo
- Railways
- Keisei line and Skyliner airport express ( Wikipedia)
- The new Narita Sky Access Line is still under construction and will be available by July 2010...
- Japan Railway (JR) lines ( Wikipedia / Yamanote line, Narita line)
- Keisei line and Skyliner airport express ( Wikipedia)
- Subways
- New transit system
- Monorail
Mailing list
Live streaming
Official hash tag
- #biohackathon2010 -- official hash tag for twitter, citeulike and so on.
Social networks
- -- FriendFeed room for BioHackathon 2010
- -- LinkedIn Group for BioHackathon 2010
SVN repository
OpenRDF Sesame2
How to edit this wiki pages ?
- Your account on the wiki will be provide on request. Please send account information (account name and password encryption) without your password itself to mn@… .
- Password encryption can be generated by htpasswd command ( htpasswd -n ACCOUNT_NAME_YOU_WANT ).
What should you bring with you?
- Laptop computer and conversion plug for your AC adaptor (identical to the US type; 100 volt, Type-A shape Wikipedia )
- Local liquor as always (for the Liquorthon at night or for the reception :-)
- LinkedIn account to share your contact address (please link yourself at Participants)
Dining & drinking around DBCLS
- "Eitaro-Zushi" Sushi bar
- "Han-Tei" Japanese spit-roasted meats and vegetables
- "NZ Bar" New Zealand wine bar (in Japanese)
- "Dom Amano-gawa" Japanese-Western fusion (in Japanese)
- "Ancre" French flavored Japanese at-home restaurant and bar (in Japanese)
Get Oriented
- DBCLS is located at the "Yanesen" area, where there remains a traditional Japanese atmosphere. Check this article out!
- Photo archive - TBA
- LogoGallery - Original logo arts by S. Okamoto
- PosterGallery - Posters and flyers for the BioHackathon 2010
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(1.8 KB) - added by ktym 15 years ago.
(8.4 MB) - added by atsuko 15 years ago.
Nezu Lunch Map